
Nomophobia (B1/ B2)


  • Look at the following cartoons. What do they have in common? 

  • How do you think your smatphone affects your life?
  • What are the pros and cons of using smartphones? Do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages, or the other way about?
  • Do you feel like you have to keep checking your phone when you're out?
  • When you are out and your phone dies, what is your reaction?
  • How disruptive are smartphones to a young person's social life?
  • What is the biggest disadvatage of smartphones on society and social interaction?
  • What makes smartphones so addictive in your opinion?
  • Have you ever heard of the term "Nomophobia"? If so, share what you know about it with the class. 


  •  What exactly is nomophobia? Are any of the ideas discussed above mentioned in the video?
  • What could be done to overcome nomophobia?
  • Do you think you might be nomophobic? Take this quiz and find out!   


How do the collocations above 👆 refer to the ideas expressed in the video?

FOLLOW UP: ESSAY WRITING (Cambridge First. B2) 

In what ways have smartphones affected our lives? Has this been a positive or negative development?" (Write your essay 140-190 words)


  • Access to information
  • Relationships
  • ____________ (Your own idea)